My instance is quite slow in search (like several tens of seconds for single search. and sometimes 0 results found, until reloaded).
I noticed some of the other instances are quite swift in search. Do you have some recommendation regarding the speed of search?
My RAM is quite high (around 12GB), disks are in raid array, i use separate solr server and citation reference index.
also, do you have an idea how to debug the speed?
I have that when peer is under load.
Are they HDD or SSD?
hdd. too big index for ssd.
Ok Hdd. I did a search on my peer of ~50 Million and the disk read is nearly 400 MB’s on SSD Raid array.
Ubuntu 24.04.1
SSD not possible for me (althought i have quite fast raid), does anyone have some other speed optimisation tricks? Or everyone, who runs a fast instance, does have SSDs?