and is there some indexable text in a particular CID? And links to other CIDs?
(trying to find something, what resembles www, for which, yacy is crafted)
Would be interesting, but probably the single way to use yacy is to clone a
fork and start experimenting. And document the experiments. Java knowledge
probably neccessary. But just changing URLs for CIDs and to implement some
parsers wouldn’t be such a big deal for experienced coder.
Use a network definition file (other than default ‘freeworld’) to make a
separate network.
My personal YaCy node is just half TB, so I got no experience in handling so
big data. Maybe largest nodes like @sixcooler or megaindex do have several TBs
and you can ask them.
While using external solr i touched some limits on numbers of entries –
probably solr cloud should be used instead of solr. The biggest performance
bottleneck is a RWI database in my case. Which can be re-defined, tuned,
switched-off etc.
And crazy idea: if you know the people from the closed ipfs-search – don’t
they want to open their source codes, while their bussines is over? ;-]