There is no detailed guide to YaCy, in any language.
We all together beg the author, who is present on the forum under the nickname @Orbiter , to write a manual, but the author does not seem to be going to do this((((
Are there any docuemnts to learn and understand YaCy ? The videos are pretty fine to reproduce some things, and some pages of the wiki is missing …
How can I get a deeper understanding on the principles of SE and ist there a documentation explaining the software point by point ?
Questions to a respected author about indexing by a file containing a list of links for indexing.
Should links be placed line by line, or on one line?
Are prefixes http://, https:// required?
Can individual indexing options be associated with each link?
(i.e. is it possible to use the format that is displayed in the Scheduler table?)
How will the indexing parameters related to the list file as a whole be perceived in this case?
Is it supported to insert comments in the file, and ho…