Memory usage after 2 searches

The Default Memory reserved for JVM 600 maybe not enough by the looks.

Screenshot from 2024-08-16 18-05-35

Yes. My instance (several 10 milions pages) needs some 11GB RAM for regular work… 13GB reserved, and it’s enough…

I increased the memory to 1200 Mb and yacy copes a little better with a 1.15 Hz search requests.

The rate limit kicks in and only pulls results for the local peer.

Could this maybe a problem for new users being cut off from the P2P network in there search results?

just out of curiosity: do you do some benchmarking/experiments, or is it a regular use?

Yes I experiment.

Oh, that’s amazing!
What did you found out?
Can you somehow summarise your findings?
What in your opinions are the bottlenecks?

If You load yacy up with searching events at 15 Hz it ends up consuming 180 GB of ram.
I made a video YaCy Load test @ 15 Hz

do you have any clue about the culprit?