Local results first, then peers?

I want to accept results from peers on ‘freeworld’, but rank my local results higher.
Basically do local first (“privacy” mode), and then if there’s no good results, have the rest of freeworld after. How do I do this?

This is not a bad idea. So far I only see an option to use the “collection_sxt” index field which has a hint where the entry comes from. I looked into the code because I can’t remember the logic behind that. If that would work it would be as easy as boosting the content of “user” inside the “collection_sxt” field, that can be done in the ranking settings. Right now I don’t have time to go into details, so please be patient.

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Some basic testing and this seems to be working fine.

Boost Query
collection_sxt = query => user^50

There are other ways also like giving a negative boost to dht.
I haven’t put much time into this but fields? that I have seen are


There may be others. With that you can raise or lower boost values by adjusting the query.

I have only been using YACY 2-3 weeks. So there may be very well be better way/s to do it.

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