In search results, how to limit the number of links from one domain to only one link

In search results, how to limit the number of links from one domain to only one link.

The thing is, for some queries, I get hundreds of links from one domain because this phrase is in the title tag on all its pages. This makes the search meaningless.

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That’s ‘relevancy’ issue: the question is how to determine, which page is relevant to keyword you search. In fact, that’s something between science and black magic. You may try to tune the ranking rules.
For example, you can lower the rank of title tags, if you wish.
I, personally, use the settings:
title 5.0
host_s 4.0
author 1.0
description_txt 2.0
keywords 2.0
text_t 1.0
synonyms_sxt 0.1
h1_txt 5.0
h2_txt 4.0
article_txt 2.0
url_paths_sxt 3.0
Which prioritises most title and H1 tag. But I’m sure other people use other settings, based on their needs.


Please specify in which menu exactly the settings you specified above are located?

Наверное здесь http://localhost:8090/RankingSolr_p.html

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I see exact same url in search result in every page i go. How to get rid of exact duplicates?

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I join this question. I also observed this, but did not find a way to get rid of it.

Duplicates can be reduced using the Boost Queries. Duplicate pages should be rated worse and therefore be lower in the results. You can try to play with that query, change parameters etc…
Works for me. Somehow and not all the time…

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