I’ve noticed that for most searches I’m making, I’m not seeing the official homepage of those things in the first five or more pages.
For example if I search for “Python” then https://www.python.org/
is very far down the list. Same goes for VLC, Rust and other FOSS projects. (YaCy also doesn’t display anything as the page’s description, even though the page has a meta description set, which is a bit weird)
Is there a way to rank those homepages first, even if it’s just for my node?
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i don’t know the solution, but, take a look at Search Portal Integration > Ranking and heuristics (or /RankingSolr_p.html). There you can set the boost and boost queries.
There is even some documentation: Definition of Ranking Rules.
Hope that could help.
Did you find the solution?
Hi, I have the same question.
One way could be to ask a well known and trust worthy service like wikipedia the “official” link.
But I don’t know how I can do that with Yacy and the Solr system!!??
Any idea?
One think would be increasing ranking score of keywords in URL.
The real reason, why Wikipedia is top in most search engine, is probably also the fact, it’s most linked. When many people link to wikipedia definition of some word, the page would have a big score for that word as well. Google called that PageRank, from the beginning.
There is a mechanism in YaCy for counting the links leading to page: Citation Reference or Webgraph, but I’m realy not sure, whether it is used in calculating the ranking.