How can I customise the layout and other things?

Hello everyone,

I would like to make a few changes to the layout. CSS on the one hand (I think this can be done via a new CSS file in skins/?), but also structural changes such as the results page, adding a footer, etc… I would also like to change a few little things such as the labelling of the search button from ‘Search’ to ‘Let’s go’ or something like that. Where can I find the relevant files? How can I change such things without losing everything again when updating YaCy or hindering the update itself?

Can anyone give me some initial tips?

Hi Yazack,
yes, the colors/fonts etc could be modified using skins css.
Structural changes in the pages you can do in the source, UI is mostly in htroot dir.
To make changes permanent, I’d suggest forking YaCy on github, make your own fork, so you can merge later changes in the new versions into your branch. See Contributing guide for basic idea.
If you think some of your changes might be usable for the other users, you can make pull request into the official yacy master branch, one change in each commit.

Ok, thank you very much :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll have a closer look at that soon. If I have any further questions, I’ll get back to you.