Crawling stalls when indexing site via 'Search portal' but works when via 'Intranet indexing'

When I select the ‘Search portal for your own website’ use case, a launched crawl job runs for a while and stalls pretty quickly (the site is hosted by my own server, running Apache and Yacy). When I index the same site using the ‘Intranet indexing’ use case, the crawl is successful, however the resulting links are all pointing to ‘localhost’.

Is there any reason why crawling the same content would work in one context and stall in another? Is there some setting I can alter so the ‘Search portal…’ case doesn’t stall? (looking at the UI if such a setting is available I couldn’t find it).


Btw, I did find the ‘postprocessing.maximum_load’ setting, which I increased to match the number of cores on my system but still the ‘intranet search’ case still stalls.

Also, this message appears in the log file:

I 2024/06/07 23:20:04 NETWORK * rulebasedUpdateInfo: not an automatic update selected
I 2024/06/07 23:20:04 RESOURCE OBSERVER * resources ok
I 2024/06/07 23:20:04 SWITCHBOARD * postprocessing deactivated: field process_sxt is not enabled
I 2024/06/07 23:20:04 SWITCHBOARD * postprocessing deactivated: no reference index avilable; activate citation index or webgraph
I 2024/06/07 23:20:04 SWITCHBOARD * postprocessing deactivated: constraints violated
I 2024/06/07 23:20:04 SWITCHBOARD * cleanup post-processed 0 documents
I 2024/06/07 23:20:04 NoticedURL * CLEARING ALL STACKS


Its in /IndexSchema_p.html
Index Administration > Solr Schema Editor

Thanks. That does seem to solve my stalling issue.