About the language file

I have translated the entire de.lng language file into Turkish, added it as tr.lng to the locale folder. I have also translated the entire master.lng.xlf file into Turkish. However, menus and most of the places in the admin panel are still in English. I don’t understand the reason for this

and I added it as .xlf from the language file download section, but it is the same. I have tr.lng produced from de.lng and tr.lng.xlf produced from master.lng.xlf. How can I convert the system to Turkish with these files? ? I would really appreciate if you can help."

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Don’t have experience with that (there is a wiki page and some threads in the forum), but when working with skin files, restart (or switching from one skin to another) would usually help to fully deploy the skin, as it was cached somewhere and was still the same in the output, even when changed in the source file. Couldn’t that work with languages as well? Just an idea…

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