Yacy version 1.925/9749 for Windows Download and basic installer zip package some interaction required. Needs Testng

I cloned yacy from github in linux Ubuntu.
I built it with ant ensuring not to start it.
Renamed the folder to YaCy.
Added windows java install to RELEASEJAVA folder.
Added batch file and shortcut to install java and start yacy.
Added YaCy icon to start in windows with correct path.
Removed .git and .github folders.
Added Batch file to reload CMD environment after installing java.
Zipped the YaCy folder with linux.

Transfer the zip file to Windows and Extracted all to c:
Run the shortcut to the batch file to install java and start yacy.

There is an upgrade path rough if you can follow my notes.
The problem is solr 6.6 to 8.8.1 has to be done with export import.


Hope that helps.

Sync and push some changes to https://github.com/smokingwheels/yacy_search_server