What became of YaCy's GSA interface? (collection feature)

So, absent a GSA interface in “legacy YaCy” does the “collection(s)” feature or field any longer have any lingering functionality or alternative implementation (in legacy YaCy)?

In a recent discussion, reference was made to “collections” for differentiating index content, and/or search results in some way.

As something that appears on even the most basic crawler interface, it appeared to be a core feature. Is “collections” entirely dependent on a GSA interface? Or can it still be utilized by a "site: " search, or other method?

Does the collections input field any longer serve any purpose or retain any functionality?

Don’t know as I “need” any “Google search appliance” gizmo. I have little idea about it, Just following your lead about “collections” and trying to understand YaCy’s various features i.e. “collections” etc.

YaCy Grid… I have no inkling about whatsoever.

The readme here: GitHub - yacy/yacy_grid_mcp: The YaCy Grid Master Connect Program for YaCy Grid seems rather elaborate.

On the other hand there is a paragraph that makes it sound quite easy:

How do I install the yacy_grid_mcp: Download, Build, Run

At this time, yacy_grid_mcp is not provided in compiled form, you easily build it yourself. It’s not difficult and done in one minute! The source code is hosted at GitHub - yacy/yacy_grid_mcp: The YaCy Grid Master Connect Program, you can download it and run loklak with:

> git clone https://github.com/yacy/yacy_grid_mcp.git
> cd yacy_grid_mcp
> gradle run


If I were to run that in Linux, does that make a useable YaCy something? Or is it also necessary to install all the other ingredients on that page: Apache ftp, Rabbitmq, erlang, etc.?

All these ports:

The default port number of the MCP is 8100

Other port numbers will be:

8200: webloader, a http(s) loader acting as headless browser which is able to enrich http with AJAX content
8300: webcrawler, a crawler which loads a lot of documents from web documents
8400: warcmanager, a process which combines single WARC files to bigger ones to create archives
8500: yacyparser, a parser service which turns WARC into YaCy JSON
8600: yacyenricher, a semantic enricher for YaCy JSON objects
8700: yacyindexer, a loader which pushes parsed/enriched YaCy JSON content to a search index
8800: aggregation, a search front-end which combines different index sources into one
8900: moderation, a search front-end which for content moderation, i.e. search index account management
10100: successmessages, a service which handles the successful operation messages
10200: errormessages, a service which handles failure messages and broken action chains
2121: ftp, a FTP server to be used for mass data / file storage
5672: rabbitmq, a rabbitmq message queue server to be used for global messages, queues and stacks
9300: elastic, an elasticsearch server or main cluster address for global database storage

Legacy YaCy is complicated, just installing YaCy grid seems more so. What are the hardware requirements? Would any Linux system run YaCy Grid?