How to Boost via domain extension?

I understand your frustration.

It seems to me that original developer, @Orbiter, is more into another projects (after these 18 years or something), so the project really lacks both maintenance and support. Time to time, there is a commit or even release of new version, althought unsystematical.

Chatbot is for sure fed with the old documentation, so we couldn’t expect miracles.

I try to make the documentation, but I’m a mere user, so a lot of things is a blackbox for me. I don’t do Java, so code contribution is mission impossible for me.

What we lack is:

  1. java developers,
  2. community, helping the others in the forum (i wonder why a lot of questions are unresponded in the forum or why people come only once here).

Still, YaCy is the only working p2p search engine. The idea is great, the implementation is still IMHO immature. For me, it’s still on the edge: does it worth to take time and effort to contribute, or is it going to be abandoned?

At least three things are there, what everyone can do:

  1. answer newbie or other user questions in the forum and/or github issues. Lack of feedback is probably the most frustrating thing.
  2. extract information already published and contribute that into documentation or documentation fork (which I personaly run at: [YaCy Docs],
  3. if you understand Java, try to fix some issues or contribute a new code

I have experimented with YaCy node for some years now, somehow working, but still not ripe for production use (mainly speed, memory and relevance issues for me).

Seems that we’ll have only as good YaCy as we manage to make ourselves, not relying on the original authors.

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