I think XML parser is still broken. It affects sitemaps and RSS feeds. Issue was reported a long ago and still no fix. Was working well several versions ago. Would anyone track, what changed since then and what to roll back or fix to have xmls working again?
I slowly start accepting the variant that there will be no response nor action from developers any time. No one touched github for months. PRs hanging there for long long time, no one responds in forum. @orbiter left this world?
Maybe you can get more attention to these bugs, entering them as separate issues on github.
First, search for already open Issues, if someone didn’t report the problem before, in which case you just add comment to the thread.
If you start a new Issue, it’s important to describe the conditions under the errors occurs, so the developers can replicate the problem (= simulate a situation when a problem happens).
Describe the behavior of YaCy which you’d expect and what happens instead.
If the error has some traces in the log, please add snippet of the log.
The more precise description, the more chance the bug will be found in the source code and fixed.
Always use the latest version, which is available at github or release.yacy.net.
If you have already a solution for the bug, you can fork the repository, make a new branch solving the problem and start a PR as described here. One PR should be just one problem fixed, so the PRs could be treated separately.
Yes, the development of YaCy is challenging your patience: @orbiter has many other projects and other developers attend just randomly and for a limited time. The more information and clues you provide about a bug, the more easy work for them. Still, bugs are fixed and improvements are made.
Basicaly, all the errors are collected in YaCy GitHub Issues, which is a bugreporting system. Every problem (‘issue’) gets a number, is labeled and discussed there. When the error is solved, issue is closed, usualy with a patch merged into the master branch.